It turns out that not only the Slavs are not looking for easy ways, other peoples also have this character trait. That's right, why get up at night and let the cat out onto the street, or install a cat window in the door? It is better to dig the floor of the yard and make the cat a tunnel, to exit the street-)))
Let's see, the master realized his idea.
First, he cleared a section of the yard. The entrance to the tunnel in the house will be installed in the basement window (apparently the basement of the master has a direct exit to the house).

According to the master, the largest domestic cat has a height of about 35-38 cm. Given this, the master will make a tunnel with a height of 38 and a width of 30 cm. The length of the tunnel is 4.5 m.

The entire tunnel is built of square tiles. To support the side walls of the tunnel, the master glues bricks to the inside of the tiles.
To prevent flooding of the tunnel, the master does drainage. Digs a hole. Installs a container turned upside down in it. A pipe leads into the tank, the second end of which is buried at the lowest point of the tunnel. The master closed the pipe end with a net and covered it with a small stone.

Ditch dug
and the master begins laying out the tunnel.
The seams between the tiles master, seals.

Now the tunnel is buried and spilled with water.
The last step the master puts on top of the tile.