Sometimes, when working with a dremel, it is necessary to have increased, we can say, jewelry, accuracy, so that the product turns out to be neat or simply not spoiled by a random through hole. Like that device helps you to fix the required drilling depth without any difficulty. The principle of operation of the nozzle is extremely simple - it is enough to fix it on the power tool itself and, being guided by a scale with notches applied to the body, adjust the necessary working depth using a special screw located on the side. We note the presence of anti-slip notches on the screw head, which allows you to twist it with your hands without any difficulty.
It’s worth saying that the scale is marked in inches, for convenience, indicate the corresponding values in millimeters: 1/4 "= 6.35mm, 1/2" = 12.7mm, 3/4 "= 20mm. There are also intermediate notches on the scale, equal to 3.175mm, 9.525 and 15.875mm, respectively (all values are calculated based on the equality 1 inch = 25.4mm)
An important feature of such a nozzle is that it is suitable for a large number of dremel from different manufacturers (M18 thread step 2).
The product package is as follows:
depth gauge (1 pc.);
large mill cylinder type (1 pc.);
small mill of cylindrical type (1 pc.);
large milling cutter of conical type (1 pc.);
small conic type milling cutter (1 pc.);
rectangular type mill (1 pc.);
ball type mill (1 pc.);
The length of each cutter is 40 mm, the diameter of the shank is 3.17 mm. The limiter size is 60mm x 68mm (Base diameter x Height). We also note the availability of the ability to order cutters or depth gauges separately.
After installing such a device on your power tool, you can get to work and not be afraid to spoil the product or do the job sloppy. The nozzle will firmly rest against the material and will not allow the drill to go deeper than planned or the cutter to remove the excess layer.
Cost: ~ 220