Each radio amateur, completing another project, thinks about protecting the circuit board with electronic components from damage, as well as giving the product a complete and aesthetically attractive appearance by placing it in the case, and purchase it offline, make it from improvised materials, or create it using 3 - D printer is far from always possible. Here simple little milky-white cases from high-quality ABS plastic come to the rescue with all of our favorite site. The cases are waterproof, equipped with sealing rubber and four fixing screws (the holes for them are reinforced with threaded brass bushings, which significantly increases the reliability and durability of the connection between the cover and the case itself). Inside the case there are holes for secure mounting of printed circuit boards.
The outer dimensions of the case are 158mm x 90mm x 60mm (Length x Width x Height).
The plastic of which the case is made is easy to process, so you can easily cut or drill out the necessary holes for all kinds of buttons, displays, antennas, etc. An important point will also be that the lid fits snugly against the case without any kind backlash and slots, and in general the case looks like a solid and reliable little thing. It is worth noting that such cases are perfect for projects on Arduino.

Cost: ~ 218