Table tennis (ping pong) is played on a 9x5 foot table. The table is usually painted dark green and made of chipboard. But he is of little interest to us. The ping-pong ball is painted white or orange. Names this color palette has been introduced at world championships since 2007. The ball is made of celluloid or similar material and has a spherical shape (unexpectedly, right?))
The properties of the material of which the ball is made allow them to be used for the manufacture of various homemade. For example, you can do do it yourself Christmas decorations or original lamp for his room. Until October 1, 2000, ping-pong balls had a diameter of 38 mm and a mass of 2.5 grams, but on February 23 of the same year, by the number of votes of most countries participating in the Malaysian World Cup, a new ITTF standard of 40 mm was chosen. It turns out that those same two millimeters in diameter greatly affect the aerodynamic properties of the ball. But for crafts Of the ping-pong balls, this is not very important. The main thing is that the material is easily pierced with a hot awl, cut with a sharp knife and crushed in the right places.

By the way, to straighten a crumpled ball, you need to immerse it whole in boiling water. The heat will soften the celluloid, which will expand when heated, and the dent will straighten out. In this case, of course, his bounce off the table will worsen and the not entirely predictable flight path will become. In general, such a ball for competitions can no longer be used, but for the manufacture of crafts it is perfect.