To convert a regular flashlight into ultraviolet you will not need much effort. True, some users and visitors to the site may ask a fairly fair question: “Why do I need a UV lamp?” Personally, it came in handy for me to participate in one of the famous city night quests: something like “Watch” or “Fights”. In any case, the information you learn from this article may come in handy someday.

So let's get started. We buy a regular diode flashlight, for example with 8 LEDs. We get the same amount of UV diodes. Usually these purchases are made in one store. If you did not find ultraviolet diodes in it, then you should go to the electronics store.

There is one more nuance - glass should be removed from the lamp. Moreover, in such a way that it can then be replaced. Those. You will need to completely disassemble the flashlight. For example, I could not insert the glass back, because a platform with diodes had to be squeezed inside.
Then you should unsolder the usual LEDs from the circuit (of course, a too serious name for the diode contacts soldered together) and solder the UV bought in their place. We reassemble the entire structure and get a UV lamp.

You can, of course, get confused and, if space permits, insert ultraviolet light between ordinary diodes. And also make two modes of operation of the lamp: UV and normal. But this is, I think, superfluous.