This musical clock seems to be of high quality. homemade seventies ... until you pay attention to the modern remote. The design decorates the interior and contains independent clocks and an MP3 player / radio. The front panel of the player is brought up, it does not catch the eye and does not give out the modern origin of the device if it stands on a shelf high enough. The remote control is possible at the same time, since infrared rays are reflected from the walls and ceiling.
The author of Instructables under the nickname Sagar99986 takes a wooden box of the following form as the basis for the case of a musical watch:
Having worked a little bit with a saw, the master cleverly turns one box into two ... The left one will find application in this project, the right one in one of the following:
These two parts will hold in place the front plexiglass panel on which the dynamic heads and watches are located:

The master glues these parts so that the front panel is slightly recessed into the body, as in many vintage audio devices:
From such a blank:
The master cuts the back wall and sets it in place:
The finished case with dimensions of WxHxD 15x6x3 inches colors:
Following the case, the author is taken for the front panel. First, he cuts out a sheet of plexiglass to size:
Then he drills a hole for the clock in the center, and to the left and right of it there are many holes of small diameter around the perimeter of the holes for dynamic heads:
Removes a jumper with a jumper between these holes:
Sets the clock and dynamic heads, view from two sides:
Trying on the front panel in the case:
It takes a switch and a power socket:
Having removed the front panel, makes holes for them in the back wall:
Installs an MP3 player / radio and a variable volume control resistor (optional, the volume can be adjusted with the buttons on the module and remote control):
It takes an amplifier on two STK4440 microcircuits and a stabilizer on a 7805 microcircuit:
Installs the amplifier in a chassis. As doing the same with the stabilizer, not shown, this is implied by itself:
Now the master takes on a false panel from Formica laminate (any other one will do).Cutting it to a size that matches the size of the front panel, the master drills holes in it for the sound output from the dynamic heads, as well as for the clock:
Marks the divisions and numbers of the watch dial, paints them:
It connects everything so that the amplifier is powered from the power socket through the switch directly, the MP3 player / radio through the stabilizer, and the clock - regardless of everything else from its AA element. Observance of polarity in all cases is mandatory. Some inconvenience is that to access the pen and battery compartment of the watch, you must open the case:
Installs the front panel with the false panel glued to it in place:
Removes dust and strokes from the false panels. Connects a 12-volt power supply. Voltages above 14 V can damage the amplifier and dynamic heads.
Musical clock in action:
From the translator: the battery clock in the seventies was not quartz, but single-transistor, for better resemblance to them, the second hand should be removed.