Hello again, dear lovers homemade.
In the meantime, I decided to create the most budgetary pusher!
Only 3 (three) sheets of a simple substrate for a laminate, size 1200 X 500 mm, thickness 5 mm
A little universal, moisture-resistant glue "Titan" used for gluing ceiling tiles (ceilings) or its analogues,

A little color tape, a little free time, a little bit of imagination and flying!
Length - 1200mm.
Wingspan - 900 mm.
The weight of the empty model is 195 g.
Motor - 2212 1400kv
Propeller - 8 X 4.
The regulator is 40A.
The regulator is 40A.
Three servos - MG90S
Battery - 3S 1300 mah
It can take off from your hand and from any surface!
A bit of background. Once I built an aircraft model on the Amfibian radio control, I already talked about it.
Model was very interesting and flew well, but it was made of a thick sheet of insulation
The Penoplex 20 mm thick therefore had a large weight and flew very slowly.
So I decided to create an aircraft model similar to it, only lightweight and at the lowest cost, both in time and financially. A kind of budget model. Yes, and that would be built by anyone, without special training.
Moreover, I wanted to create a model that can be run without a special runway, from the hand and from any surface.
I took the drawings of the famous aircraft model as the basis, and I built the first Amphibian based on the same drawings.
The initial plan did not imply the creation of a separate PB, but in the process it became clear that having three keels - three fulcrum, you can make an additional stabilizer with a PB.
Which was done in the final stage of the model construction.
Here are a few photos of the construction process, with some explanations.
To begin with, I chose the scale, put down my sizes in the drawings and transferring them to the substrate, cut out all the blanks.
Well, now it was only a matter of time and desire. The model was covered with colored tape as it was assembled.
There was nothing time-consuming to assemble.
The result was a wonderful aircraft model.Its only drawback was its low weight, which did not allow flying with a strong wind.
This is her starting position.
This is how the model looks at the prelaunch stand.
A small video - checking the operation of the rudders and the motor.
In conclusion, I want to say - do not be afraid to experiment, the model will fly! The most important thing is to find the DH correctly!
Successful flights and soft landings! Best wishes, see you soon.
Your Valerian master.