In the past article An apparatus for cutting paper using an electric arc has been described.
This time, the author of the YouTube channel “NightHawkInLight” will tell you how you can make a handle for burning on a tree on the same principle.
- Brass tube, wire
- Wires, heat shrink tube
- solder
- A piece of board, or plywood.
Instruments, used by the author.
- Screwdriver, tweezers, nippers
— .
Manufacturing process.
So, the author will use just such a plasma lighter with a battery.
Its almost complete analogue is such an option with.

The author begins by extracting an electronics unit from the housing. He does this so that, if necessary, everything can be returned to its original place.
The pins are pushed with an awl and pulled out to release the top of the lighter.
Then the ceramic part holding the electrodes is also removed.
Then electronics again placed in the housing, its operation is checked, and the screw is tightened.
Established wires are lengthened, soldered, and insulated with a heat shrink tube. It is advisable to use special high-voltage wires.
Holes are drilled in the lid, high-voltage wires are passed through them, and it is replaced. You can fix it either with hot glue, or return the standard pin. Since the power button and the charge connector are located outside, the author selects the first option. Thus, the lighter actually turned into a power supply for the device.
The device of the handle is very simple. The author solders both high-voltage wires, respectively, to two brass rods that are cut to the required length. Also cuts a brass tube with an outer diameter of 4 mm.
Then each brass electrode is bent so that between them there remains a spark gap of about 1-2 mm in width.
All parts are fixed on a wooden plank. Of course, it is advisable to use a plastic tube in the center, but the author did so.
So that the device can work in the plasma torch mode, the brass tube is bent so that the air goes directly to the spark gap. A slight bend in the tube further focuses the air flow on the desired area.
The tube should be long enough and protrude from the back of the handle beyond the boundaries of the wooden rod so that it can then be connected to an air supply.
The author isolates the handle body, putting a heat-shrink tube on it, and heats it with a gas burner.
Without air supply, the device operates in a simple arc mode, and simply breaks the rope with a spark.
The last step is to connect the brass pipe to the air supply. For this, a silicone tube with an inner diameter of 4 mm will be very welcome.
You can use the power of your lungs, or connect to the device an air compressor, which is usually used for aeration of aquariums.
Now you can turn on the air supply, and immediately the difference in the arc becomes visible, it turns into a kind of flame. The rope just burns.
That's all! This device can be wonderful to burn wood.
If the tree is allowed to get charred enough, it starts to conduct electricity, which looks pretty impressive, but is useless from a practical point of view. Therefore, it is better to move in quick passes to get a neat pattern.
And here are the author’s first attempts to draw something. It will take practice.
In conclusion, I want to add here. Here, the case immediately has the shape of a handle, and it will be much easier to make such a plasma burner.
Thanks to the author for the idea of a simple but very interesting tool for burning wood!
Observe safety precautions when working with high voltage!
All good mood, good luck, and interesting ideas!
Author video can be found here.