Being sick, he still made this machine for himself, since the engine was already there.
It is done simply and quickly, the only thing was to tinker with the manufacture of an eccentric flywheel.
After two sessions of 15-20 minutes, the pain in the lower back and leg decreased sharply, I felt the long-awaited relief. A week later, I was in full swing, sat and lay.
This massager, in general, has a beneficial effect on the whole body, vibration passes throughout the body, relaxes muscles, normalizes the functioning of joints, as well as blood pressure and much more.
You can massage the whole body as well as individual sections - legs, arms, back, stomach. I did the procedures in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes.
I strongly advise those suffering from such ailments. Do not buy PHARMACY POISON, nothing heals there right now. Injections and pills will ruin your stomach and liver.
Engine 380 \ 220v,
Starting capacitor 11 uf 250 \ 400v
Eccentric (do it yourself or order)
Particleboard or plywood for construction
Cord switch
Watering hose for shock absorber legs.

This small vibrator I made for small needs also helps a lot.
12v mini engine
power supply 12v 500ma
coin 5 rubles for an eccentric
hydrogen peroxide plugs or tennis balls
cord switch