Sometimes there are situations when the key breaks right in the lock and then further use of it becomes simply impossible, because the key fragment remained in the larva. Of course, sometimes it can be removed using some improvised means (files, tweezers, etc.), but if the element has fallen deep enough, it becomes a really serious problem, and this is where a similar set of 12 items can come in handy. It includes 8 hooks and 4 needles with circular notches along the entire length. They are made of stainless steel, handles - of high quality plastic. The hooks are marked with a marking indicating their thickness (0.15 mm, 0.2 mm - 2 pcs., 0.3 mm - 2 pcs., 0.4 mm - 3 pcs.). It should be noted that the two hooks differ in their appearance from the others. Thus, one has the form of a kind of file, and the other resembles a crochet hook. Needles with notches differ from each other only in diameter (0.6 mm and 0.8 mm). Their handles are also marked. The length of the hooks is about 100 mm, the needles are about 90 mm. Tools are delivered in a regular package like zip-lock.
To extract the debris using such a set, one of the needles needs only to fix the element and at the same time hook it. The process takes a minimum of time. Tools lie comfortably in your hand, they are quite pleasant to work with.
In general, extractors are more than worthy. In addition to ease of use, such a set also saves a lot of time, and it costs absolutely no cost.
Cost: ~ 217