To draw up an express budget for future construction, you should know the cost of the site, the construction of the building itself, and connection to communications.
1. If there are no funds for building a house immediately, the construction company in Lukhovitsy recommends that the whole process be divided into stages.
2. The plot. Having bought a plot, you can be sure that the land will never fall in price.
3. The foundation. Having accumulated a little, you can begin to build a foundation. Before this, it is necessary to have a project that on the one hand will be real (to have enough for a house), and on the other hand, have some opportunity for expansion. They lay the foundation before the cold weather, since pouring concrete in the frost is not quite right, but you can save a little on building a house in winter. The reason is the rise in prices for building materials in early spring.
4. Warm contour. It consists of the walls of the house painted outside, an insulated roof, inserted windows, installed external doors, a heated floor on the ground floor. These works should be performed immediately, without dividing them into stages. Moreover, this stage is considered the most costly. As a rule, it accounts for approximately 60% of the total cost of the house. However, after it can be said that the dream house is almost ready.
5. Finish. This stage is the most enjoyable part of the work, as everything is done inside the house. In other words, the weather has no effect on the whole process. Every day you are approaching the long-awaited relocation. This stage is also good because most types of work in case of small employment at a regular place of work, it is possible to carry out do it yourself. Thus, significant savings are made, and the love for one’s own brainchild, which will be inherited by children and grandchildren, also increases several times. As a rule, the cost of work at this stage is about 35% of the total cost of the house. At the same time, it can be divided into several sub-stages, stretching in time and taking into account financial opportunities.In other words, you can act at your own discretion by investing in the house all the creative potential.
6. Carrying out various communication systems. The final mandatory stage related to home improvement and aimed at creating complete comfort of living and its operation.