Like us choose the front door to the apartment, First of all, we pay attention to the manufacturer. Entrance doors have a number of characteristics that allow us to assess the degree of their reliability and any self-respecting manufacturer of entrance doors is always ready to provide the necessary information.
When we choose the front door to the apartment, then one of the main issues that interests us is the price. A metal front door can cost from 4,000 to 20,000, but designer door models equipped with special bells and whistles can cost more.
The front door must have a special certificate, which contains information about the class of its burglar resistance. There are 13 classes in total. Entrance doors for residential premises usually have a 1-4 class, doors of a higher class are used to protect special rooms and bank vaults, can be bulletproof and have many other characteristics that are not required for the doors that protect the entrance to the living room.
Quite often, owners decide to purchase an entrance metal door in order to replace their old door. If you are interested in replacing doors in an apartment, you must remember that the dimensions of the door you are buying may not correspond to the dimensions of the doorway. Therefore, before you buy a door, you must carefully measure the doorway. Also, replacing doors in an apartment requires installation work. It is very important that the new door is installed correctly. Do not settle if you are offered to install the front door with hinges facing out. In this case, its protective value will be significantly lower, because cutting loops is not so difficult.
Not one, even the most durable metal front door will protect you from breaking if it does not have a high-quality lock.The most common type of locks is level locks. Also a good option are cylinder locks, which have no less reliability. To increase the reliability of the lock, it can be equipped with special armored plates that provide the best level of protection against hacking. Combined locks also have great reliability in terms of protection against burglary. Experts consider that for the most effective protection it is necessary to use at least two locks.
If you are interested in inexpensive the door for an apartment, pay attention to our company. We offer you the highest quality and inexpensive doors for an apartment that can reliably protect your home or office. Our company has an excellent reputation and uses all the latest technologies in its production. We control the quality level at all stages of production and always offer our customers really good products.