Surely almost every master encounters the problem of loosening loose bolts, screws, and nuts.
In this article, Evgeny Matveev, the author of the Doctor Dew YouTube channel, will tell you about the right factory, and the wrong homemade tool for these purposes.
Homemade is categorically not recommended for execution. Use tools for mentally healthy people!
- Spanner 8
- Hex bolt.
Instruments, used by the author.
- Vise
-, cutting disc
-, drill bits for metal.
Manufacturing process.
So, the master, who fell into the sight of Eugene, will produce a bolt extractor with torn edges. To do this, he previously ruined the wrench by 8, cutting off one edge with a grinder. Why it was impossible to take a piece of reinforcement, or a steel strip, is completely incomprehensible.
The cut point is slightly machined.
Now the master welds a hexagon head bolt to the key bit.
The result is such an incomprehensible design.
Part of the bolt is cut off so that only part of the head remains from it.
Actually, he replaced one head with another. Then he drilled a hole in it.
And with the help of a dremel, he restored the hexagonal notch.
Due to the sharp edges, such a key, when driving the bolt head into it, cuts off part of the head, and “restores” the face.
Indeed, in a simple manner, the bolt simply slips.
But the author's "tool" clings well to the head.
Strange, why was it not to grind off the edge of the finished head?
And now about the instrument of a healthy person. These are special extractors that are clogged onto the head of the bolt with torn edges, and they are easily unscrewed, crashing into its faces. It remains only to insert a 3/8 ratchet into the head.
Here you can easily buy one on Aliexpress.
To unscrew bolts and screws with even a broken head, there is another. They are somewhat similar to taps.

And finally. Maybe someone did not know? The knife blade is usually broken off with pliers.
However, in its cover there is a special slot with which you can break off the blade. Admit, who did not know?
I thank Evgeny Matveev for a simple explanation of how you should not spoil a normal instrument, your nerves, and not invent bike.
Good luck to everyone, and interesting ideas!
Author video can be found here. By the way, it is very good uplifting!