If you have changed your bike headlight, do not rush to throw away or put off the old one until better times. The author of Instructables under the nickname lonesoulsurfer came up with a successful luminaire design consisting of a vintage bicycle headlight and a drum tripod. Here are some more photos homemade:
As additional components, the master applied a power supply:
Ceramic halogen lamp holder:
And a 12V LED lamp:
And it looked like a tripod for a drum and a bicycle headlight, when the master had not yet begun to remake and combine them:
Velofara was in good enough condition, the master takes it apart to clean it a little. The headlight turned out to be with a switch, which means that it is designed to work not from the generator, which can be removed from the tire, but from the battery or battery.
The drum rack is dismantled by the master and shortened by approximately 150 mm. This is not necessary, it just seemed to the master that without such a refinement, the lamp would turn out to be too high. Instead of a tripod for a drum, a photo tripod is suitable with small alterations.
The master polishes everything that can be polished: both chrome parts and glass.
Replaces a bolt screwed into a plastic handle with a longer one, and places a small piece of aluminum tube between the tripod and headlight. Connects a bicycle headlight to a tripod:

Adds a ceramic cartridge for a halogen lamp, but the LED lamp is installed in it. The translator recommends additionally isolating the cartridge contacts and lamp leads from the reflector. It should also be noted that some 12-volt LED lamps do not contain rectifiers, which is why they are sensitive to polarity.
The master passes the power supply cord through the hole in the headlamp housing. It is advisable to insulate the cord in an appropriate place in addition so that the sharp edge of the hole does not cut through the existing not too thick insulation.
It connects the lamp holder to the output cable of the power supply unit via the standard switch in the headlight. If the lamp is sensitive to polarity, selects the one at which it turns on.Pay attention to the holder for the spare incandescent lamp located on the side and the vintage lamp installed in it.

It collects the headlight and makes sure that after assembly it continues to work:
He returns the bicycle headlight to the tripod, tightening the bolt with a plastic handle so that the headlight does not turn spontaneously, but not too much so as not to break anything. Directs light so that it is convenient. And now the master has a modern headlight on a bicycle, and indoors - a vintage one. And both give light and joy: the first - on a walk, the second - at home.
In a similar way, for example, a vintage flashlight can be placed on a tripod. And the same lonesoulsurfer previously remade the old flash into a continuous LED illuminator and mounted it on another tripod. I already translated an article about that homemade product.
The table lamp on the clamp does not always hold tight and can spoil the table, while the lamp on the stand takes up space on its surface. If you install the lamp on a tripod and put it near the table, it will be devoid of both shortcomings, while it is not as bulky as a floor lamp with an additional directional illuminator on the side. Like a desk lamp, it should be placed on the left. And similarly to a floor lamp, such a lamp can be placed next to not only the table, but on the armchair.