Such silicone circles with a thickness of about 0.4 mm - 0.5 mm are rather weakly subject to wear and are not better than the same conductive paint, which peels off quickly enough or foil. The surface of the circles on both sides is corrugated, so that you can stick them on either side. It is convenient to place these elements on the buttons with tweezers or a dampened match. As an adhesive, it is best to use silicone sealant (widely represented in aquarium stores). Polish glue in green case with the inscription “silikon” is perfect for these tasks. It is not recommended to use all kinds of "superglue", since a flexible adhesive joint is needed.
The kit includes circles of the following diameters:
• 1.5 mm (10 pcs.);
• 2 mm (10 pcs.);
• 3 mm (10 pcs.);
• 4 mm (10 pcs.);
• 5 mm (10 pcs.);
• 6 mm (10 pcs.);
• 7 mm (10 pcs.);
• 8 mm (10 pcs.);
• 9 mm (10 pcs.);
• 10 mm (10 pcs.).
In total, the kit includes about 100 pieces of round conductive elements (very often their number differs slightly from the declared). Circles are delivered in a transparent plastic box equipped with a latch and divided into ten sections.
The price for simple silicone circles, of course, is not the most humane, but in any case it is cheaper than buying a new remote control, and such a kit will not be enough for one repair, so this acquisition will be more than justified.
Cost: ~ 350