I’ll say right away when fishing I was never lucky and therefore had to invent ways to compensate for this factor. There were many such small inventions, one of which I bring to your attention.
The simplest version of this device consists of two hooks connected by a fishing line passed through the rings and forming a self-tightening loop around the hook legs. Bait is put on one of the hooks, and until the loop is tightened, the hooks are as if nested in one another. If the fish grabs and pulls the hook, the loop is pulled together and pulls the legs of the hooks to each other, the hooks line up in a double position inside the fish’s mouth, which sharply increases the likelihood of hooking. An old invention, about 15 years old, at least, I have never been able to try and see something like this on sale or in advertising. It was not possible to patent then, in reality, several different options were made with springs and bushings. A kind of fish trap, good for snacks. Maybe someone will come in handy as an idea for creativity or directly for fishing.