This homemade author of Instructables under the nickname 17lsipes will be useful to fans of the so-called digital detox - a temporary voluntary refusal to go online for psychological relief. Device made on Arduino Nano, allows you to use the two buttons to set the interval during which the smartphone will be locked in a cage. The actuator is a solenoid. Display - seven-segment, four-digit. The wizard begins work on homemade work with the selection of components:

And assembly e parts as follows:
Then comes the programming turn. C ++ program has been uploaded here.
Then the wizard prints three parts on a 3D printer: stand for smartphone:
And the foundation:
And here they are ready. Of course, in the absence of a 3D printer, they can be made in another way.
The electromagnetic lock here is very simple. The solenoid with the help of a slot in the rod prevents it from raising the sliding door of the cage. Next to the solenoid is the protective diode shown in the diagram, which is turned on in reverse polarity. Also visible in the notch display and one of the resistors. The location of the two buttons is not shown.

When voltage is applied to the solenoid and the stem is retracted, the door can be raised:

It is better not to glue the cage tightly to the base, so that if necessary it can be detached, removed the smartphone and dial 112. Or you can keep a couple of push-button phones on hand.