What to do if there is no fum tape at hand? I live away from the city and forgot to buy it somehow. I began to look for how to seal the thread. No electrical tape, thread, etc., came up for this.
Suddenly a small bag of “T-shirt” came to hand, tore it into pieces, it turned out to be thin and malleable, cut strips with scissors from the bag and wrapped it tightly around the thread. Holds PERFECT! The material is very thin, can be wound tightly as needed. It penetrates well between threads. I then sealed a lot of things with packages, I like this material even more than FUM tape.

Moreover, the joints are perfectly sealed, for example, there is a tap on a street washbasin that leaks between the tank, at the junction. We take the strips of the bag and wrap the joint, and then press the tap a bit with a nut, if possible, hold it better than any gaskets and do not need to remove the tap.
FUM tape is usually made of fluoroplastic, and the packages are made of HDPE or LDPE.