Something I was bored alone and I decided to talk about how my granddaughter was carried away by aircraft models and show one model built by her under my guidance.

Once, long ago it was, my granddaughter, Katerinka, fell ill.

So I told her a lot about all kinds of planes, about skydiving. All sorts of different videos showed her about various aircraft models.
From that time on, Katya began to deal with aircraft models with me. She loves to fly kites.

And she began to make model airplanes herself as soon as she came to visit me in the village. I drew her details on the ceiling, and she herself, already, cut and glued them. All sorts of models were.
She herself developed and made this model herself. This glider flew well!
Once we found with her one video clip where a toy parachutist jumps from a flying aircraft model and sweets get enough sleep. So she wanted to build such a model.

I found an aircraft model on the Internet BOXERMAD84 CARGO TWIN. Big as a suitcase and with two motors.
The draftsman was unimportant, but we put down our sizes, under the motors we have and Katya, having cut the blanks, began to glue them. We must pay tribute to her accuracy and patience.

Like this electronics we decided to put on a model. IN
Motors - L2210 "bell",
Regulators - 40 A.
Servos - NHT-900.
The battery is 1300 3S.
Screws - 8x3.8.
Length -960 mm.
Span -960 mm.
We decided to make a volume wing on the model, giving it a small profile, and at the same time increase the strength by gluing a 10x10 mm pine rail into the wing.

Of the two layers of ceiling tiles, the side walls of the fuselage, the stabilizer and the keel were glued.
We used the universal, waterproof “KIN” glue.
for the installation of motors, we glued pieces of a wooden, student line.
Installed servos.
All wiring and electronics are in the fuselage.

We made such chassis. Wheels used purchased.

They began to fit with colored tape.

This is what it looks like with a tail.

They made a hatch to access the electronics and replace the battery.

We decided to try to establish a retract from the release of the chassis, for the opening node of the flap of the dump hatch.

General view of the model.

Mounted servos on RN and RV.
Installed motors and servos on ailerons.

A small video of the hatch.
Unfortunately the video flight of this model was not saved.
Katerina at work.
That's my whole story about the models of my granddaughter.
Friends, actively involve children and grandchildren in your favorite pastime - modeling.
Goodbye, your Valerian master.