Greetings to all readers and masters. A game house or any similar construction, and even with a slide, will provide for your children an exciting and active outdoor recreation. That is why I recommend caring dads and grandfathers to take note of this article, in which the author erected a similar simple construction in his garden.
Step 1
Before the start of construction, the author simulated a project for a future design, calculated and purchased the necessary amount of material.

Step 2
In the corner of the garden prepared a playground. He assembled vertical sections from beams and mounted a frame from them. Reinforcing it with crossbars from above and juts from below.

Step 3
Pay attention to the installation of support beams, the author decided not to bury them in the ground so that they do not rot, and the structure stood for as long as possible. To do this, he cast concrete stands and mounted metal brackets from plates with pins in them.

Step 4
Then the author sewed up the floor and walls with the board - lateral to about the middle, and the whole back. In the second sidewall installed a railing. So that you could climb and go down to the tower house, the author mounted a ladder with a rope and screwed a purchased plastic slide next to it. That’s probably all. As you can see, the design is quite simple, but it can be complemented to your taste and color. Speaking of color, the author covered the finished structure with a double layer of transparent varnish so that the structure of the tree was visible.

Thank you all for your attention, I hope this project is useful to someone.