In essence, this device It is a miniature clamp, the fixed part of which is equipped with two rollers, and the movable one - with a pointed hard alloy disk. Such a cutter will definitely come in handy if it is necessary to carry out work in hard-to-reach places, where to cut the tube with a conventional hacksaw, or, in the case of a PVC tube, with special scissors it would be difficult. Another indisputable advantage of such a cutter is that when cutting, no chips are created at all or its very minimum appears. A decent fixture copes with cutting pipes from PVC plastic, soft metals like aluminum or copper, as well as thin-walled steel pipes. The minimum diameter of the cut tube is ~ 3 mm (1/8 "), the maximum is about 22 mm (7/8"). Dimensions of the device: 57mm X 39mm (LxH); weight: ~ 120 grams.
To perform work with such a tool is quite simple - you need to place the tube in the fixture and fix it in it by tightening the clamping screw so that the cutting disc is slightly pressed into the material and then rotate the cutter around the tube until the desired result is obtained. When cutting, the roller leaves an annular groove. We also note that the edge of the cut off tube is slightly rolled inward.
It should be said that, like many inexpensive devices with Ali, this tool will show better results if it is slightly modified. So, in order to achieve the most smooth operation and improve the quality of the cut, it is recommended to disassemble the pipe cutter, undercut the cutting roller, thereby providing a clearer cut without pressing the deep groove, add grease to the rollers, disc and thread of the feed screw and remove any burrs and burrs.
In general, a worthy device, which in some cases will be an excellent alternative to a hacksaw, and if you also sort it out, it will be much more pleasant to work with it.

Cost: ~ 100