Homemade Teslapank style is often decorated with real electronic tubes that are not connected anywhere. They are quite fragile, so the author of Instructables under the nickname Ajaxjones came up with his own, unbreakable, made of epoxy. They are unable to amplify and generate electrical signals, but they are almost indistinguishable externally. Unless, of course, a person is watching who does not know what a getter is, and where it should be. Although you can also try to recreate it somehow, if you come up with a way.
To make something by molding, you need a form. And to make a form, you need model. In this case, only the real one can be the best model. electronic lamp. The master prints a stand for her on a 3D printer, to which he glues the lamp, without leaving the slightest gaps. The support is polished, primed and varnished, the surface of the glass of the lamp cleans everything, including the paint used to make the inscriptions. In a word, he will do everything to make the model easily separate from it after making the mold.

Let's run a little ahead: she separated perfectly.
The master makes models of electrode systems inside the lamps, also using 3D-printed parts:
And puts two models in such a sealed box, assembled using hot-melt adhesive:
It takes such a vacuum chamber:
Fills the silicone in a plastic cup and places it in a vacuum chamber to completely remove air bubbles. The best result is obtained if the chamber is pumped out several times and then the vacuum is released.

Having received silicone completely without bubbles, the master fills it in the airtight box with two models shown above:
When the silicone hardens, it means that the mold is ready. You can remove it from the box, and from it, in turn, remove the electronic lamps on the stands. The master mixes the components of clear epoxy:
And also processes in a vacuum chamber:
For clarity, the master makes two cubes: one of the resin processed by vacuum, the second of the raw. See how many air bubbles in it -Wispa envy.
Finally, the master places two models of the electrode system in the double form shown above and fills the epoxy treated with vacuum:
After 24 hours, it is removed, and here they are - unbreakable "electronic lamps" for teslapank style projects! Together with copies of the coasters included in the models.
Stand bottom copy:
It remains, in general, the smallest thing - to color it. So, having previously wrapped the “lamp” so that it does not stain for the company with the stand. Otherwise, it will turn out like in a children's joke: "I painted the window, as you requested, to paint the frame too?".
The paint has dried, the master removes the paper, and the homemade product is ready:
It remains to make them in large quantities, and any design in the style of teslapank will be something to decorate. Then the master writes that he illuminates such "lamps" with LEDs that simulate the flame of a candle. But this just should not be done. A real electronic lamp shines evenly, unlike a neon lamp.