Hello, aircraft modellers, good health to all of you!
I will show you first model high-speed glider "Zephyr".

And now I want to show you one article in which the author made his version of this glider with an impeller and gave it its name “Zephyrka”

I really liked this article and the model itself, so I decided to share it with you.
The author took a picture of the main stages of construction and made explanations.
So that other interested persons could repeat such a model, the author published a schematic drawing with dimensions. And photographs add clarity in the manufacture of the model.
The author proposes the manufacture of this aircraft model from Penoplex sheet insulation - 20 mm thick.

Very original device the author came up with for making holes in the insulation. He took the lid from the deodorant, made cuts along the edges, sharpened the edges more sharply and an improvised drill is obtained.
I think that you can use an aluminum can of beer or another drink. The edges will be sharper and such badasses on the insulation will not remain.

Holes are made on the workpiece, excess insulation is cut off, while maintaining the desired configuration.

The author proposes to glue the parts with ordinary PVA glue. For strength, it uses slats from wooden, student rulers.

The author suggests using carbon fiber tubes of 6 mm.

After complete processing, the wing is fitted with a self-adhesive film.
I especially want to draw your attention to the very aesthetic design design of the model.
You can make drawings and all the decoration to your desire and imagination.

The author first draws all the details of the model on graph paper and is cut out.

In the manufacture of the fuselage, the author uses a 5 mm carbon tube.

Loops can be made any. As the author says: -
As loops I use plastic plates cut from the front of the package from children's toys.
The main thing is that the ailerons would work well.

Mounted in place impeller.

In the manufacture of a lamp for the cabin, the author used a plastic bottle.

The author is waiting for a package from China with skis for the model.

Span - 1200 mm
Length - 950 mm
Flight weight - 1000 gr.
Impeller - 74 mm with 3400kv BK engine
Regulator - 40A
Craving - 950gram
Servos - any 9 gr.
Battery - 1800 3S You can put 4S, traction will be 1150 gr.
Video of the first flight.
On this I say goodbye to you. All the best to you, successful construction of the model and a successful flyby. I remain your Valerian.