Greetings to all readers and masters. Today I present to your attention another useful workshop homemade - a rack for drills, drills and a screwdriver. Many of you will say - why is it needed, because each of these tools is stored in its own separate case. But it so happens that the suitcase has long been "alive", and the tool is in excellent working condition. Here is a good time for this case and this rack is suitable, for the manufacture of which the author used an old pallet (can be found near the store) and a piece of plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
Step 1
First of all, we disassemble the pallet and cut the pipe into cylinders of the desired length. In the latter, we cut out the grooves from the end.

Step 2
We cut the pads of the pallet in half and from the resulting blanks we glue the shield of the required size.
After that, it must be aligned on the planes.
We assemble the rack from the boards of the pallet, fasten to it previously prepared cylinders from the pipe with screws. We fix the rack with screws on the shield. We attach a block to the outside of the rack, in which you first need to drill blind holes in the number and diameter of the drills.

Step 3
We place everything in its place and install the rack in any convenient place.
So, quickly downtime at little cost the author solved the problem of storing the tool.
Thank you all for your attention and see you soon