In a very cheap music box you will not find prototypes of characters from the fairy tale of V.F. Odoevsky: neither the rather dangerous “princess-springs” - it was replaced by a handle that needs to be rotated continuously, like a barrel organ, nor by the very bulky “boy-bells” replaced by tongues of various lengths. By the way, there are more of them, and therefore the range is wider, and the performed melody is more complicated. A simple refinement, proposed by the author of Instructables under the nickname DIY Hacks and How Tos, allows you to make such a box work from wind energy. And not through the generator from which the electric motor is powered, but directly, purely mechanically.
The master prepares everything necessary for the manufacture homemade: the actual music box, planks, twig, balls, paint, glue gun with rods, a knife and a hacksaw not shown here:
Since the box will continuously play the same melody continuously whenever there is wind, it needs to be as non-irritating as possible. The master chose a box with the melody of the song Frère Jacques. In appearance, it, of course, is the same as the other caskets of the same type.
Each of the two balls, the master cuts exactly in half, getting a bowl like an anemometer:
Saw off two boards of the same length:
Connects them in the middle:
Glues the bowls:
And the handle of the music box:
And the box itself is glued to the pin:
Everything colors, and the homemade product is ready:
Here is such an alternative to continuous manual drive, and without the "princess-springs", which represents a certain danger.