The difference between this tool and the usual punch in the form of a carbide metal rod, leaving a “hole” after hitting it with a hammer, is a special mechanism that automates this process. The principle of its action is extremely simple - due to compression and subsequent sharp straightening of the shock spring, the hammer is driven, striking in turn at the reciprocal element and then at the pointed working part. To tilt the surface, you need to put the needle at the desired point (preferably slightly at an angle) and press on the punch until it clicks. Note that the tool provides the ability to adjust the impact force by unscrewing / twisting the upper part of the body. The highest quality results are demonstrated on plastic, wood or soft metals such as aluminum (recess diameter 1.5 - 2 mm). In steel, everything is somewhat worse (diameter about 1 mm), but nothing prevents you from tilting one point several times, thereby increasing the size of the "hole".
All items fixtures made of steel. The case is covered with anti-slip notches. The seller has several types of punches in different color variations: with a plastic focus on the handle (silver, gold) and without it (silver, gold, red, black, blue). Given the general principle of the device’s operation, the punching (especially large in volume) by the punch without stopping can cause serious discomfort and therefore the acquisition of the first option seems more preferable, especially since the prices for them practically do not differ.
The sizes of the punch are as follows:
• center punch length without stop: ~ 132 mm;
• center punch length with emphasis: ~ 128 mm;
• emphasis width: ~ 24 mm;
• length of the working part of the punch without stop: ~ 28 mm;
• length of the working part of the punch with an emphasis: ~ 25 mm;
• case diameter: ~ 12.7 mm.
Before starting work, it is recommended to disassemble the punch and lubricate all the elements of the mechanism. In addition, if necessary, impact force can be enhanced by replacing the spring with a stiffer one. The working part can also be replaced.
Thus, for a very reasonable amount, you can purchase a device that greatly facilitates the positioning of the drill at the initial stage of drilling smooth surfaces, thereby protecting them from possible damage. Such a tool is much more mobile and, unlike the canonical version, it does not need to be hit with a hammer, and therefore the marking procedure can be performed with one hand. Of the minuses of this device can be noted except that misfires occurring from time to time and not always good build quality (marriage occurs).In Russian stores, exactly the same punches are much more expensive.

Cost: ~ 98