This educational toy has several different names. Montessori board, educational board for children. But the most common name will be Bizibord (from the English term busy board).
The Bizibord game, in the classic version, is a rectangular-shaped board with household items fixed there that can be touched, twisted, clicked, pressed and opened. For this, objects of various shapes, colors and textures are installed on it. These are various switches, sockets, buttons, latches, latches and other elements of "danger" to which the child is usually not allowed.
There are many options for a beadboard, which is enough for fantasy. The main thing is that the existing biziboard board performs its functions, correctly and safely educates the child.
The business board is popular with parents and children like it. According to experts, at the age of one, a baby can already figure out, remember and master some of the simple elements of a life board, and will be happy to play with objects he likes. This modern toy is suitable for children 2-3 years old who are already ready to get acquainted with various switches, bulbs, rollers, hooks and locks.
What gives the child a game of Bizibord.
- A safe experience communicating with household items, with which he will encounter later in real conditions.
- The development of fine motor skills of the hands. Tactile sensations from contact with objects, through the tips of the fingers are transmitted to the brain of the child and are remembered. Children with advanced motor skills are ahead of their peers in development and begin to speak earlier.
- Logical thinking and the formation of communication cause-effect. He opened the lock - you can open the door to see what is behind it. If you install the valve on the board, the child will understand how it works. But he does not know what it is for. Using items in a bunch, with the help of a bodyboard, teaches the baby. So the child develops an understanding of the sequence of actions.
- The memory. For example, the baby needs to remember how to correctly insert the key to open the lock.
- Patience and concentration. Without a certain investment of time and effort, the lock cannot be opened.
- Development of imagination and thinking, training of ingenuity and small fingers.
- Knowledge acquired independently, penetrate deeper into consciousness and become fixed there for a long time. The children's brain constantly absorbs information from its environment and you need to help kids to satisfy this need.
Bizibord can be bought at a toy store, purchased on the Internet.
But can be made do it yourself. Which is proposed to be done.
Making the game Bizibord.
1. Options educational game Bizibord.
The list of the most common household items in the bodyboard:
door locks, latches, latches;
zippers, Velcro, cord, buttonholes, buckles;
gears, wheels, abacus;
buttons and switches, telephone dial;
bells, light and sound elements;
You can install bulbs that will turn on, powered by a securely attached battery.
It will not be a secret to anyone that boys and girls are different in character and development. From birth, parents bring up different character traits in them.
All the boys love to unwind, collect or disassemble something. Therefore, for them it is possible to fix precisely boyish details on the board. Large bolts and nuts, springs, latches, chains and locks, sockets and switches.
For girls, you can choose the theme of home, nature or clothing. The girl is interested in beauty, needlework and the role of the mistress. You can set various buttons, buttons, zippers, lacing, abacus. A small mirror will come in handy.
We select from the availability in the house or purchase in the store the intended household items. We do not forget about the safety of these items for children.

2. The manufacture of the base board.
We cut and carefully process the board to place items. The dimensions of the board on the given sample are 160 x 400 mm. Eliminate sharp corners and chips, apply a radius and blunting, grind surfaces and ribs. Everything should be smooth, smooth and safe.

3. Making additional parts for the game.
From plywood 8 ... 10 mm thick, we cut out details imitating a door. Depending on the size of the baseboard, we cut out a rectangle - a door (130 x 120 mm in size) and two narrow rectangles - imitation of door jambs (130 x 20 mm each). Using sandpaper, the parts are carefully sanded from all sides.
4. Build the traditional Bizibord game.
At the edge of the board we will install parts imitating a door. For fastening the side parts we use self-tapping screws. The door is fixed with one or two small hinges.
To learn the sequence in the actions of the baby, we additionally install a door latch, eyelets for a padlock (from furniture squares), a small furniture handle. Under the door, it is desirable to fix some bright image that appears after the door is opened and is an incentive to open. We check the free opening of the door, the operation of the door assembly with a lock and a latch.

On the free field of the board we install and fix the remaining components. In the above version of the Bizboard, additionally installed:
- a plastic lock - a snake;
- two straps connected by a buckle;
- M10 x 80 bolt with nuts, mounted on a square;
- scores (up to 10);
- Three telephone bells of different tone;
- plastic gears;
- a magnet in a plastic case.
The contents of the bodyboard must be securely fixed to the board. All elements and details of the game must be safe so that the baby cannot remove them or get injured.

Volumetric version of the bodyboard.
The size and shape of the beadboard can vary from the traditional dimensions of the rectangle, to round and trapezoidal, have a flat or three-dimensional shape. They can be made in the form of a variety of vehicles, animals, houses or cozy soft corners.
In our case, in addition to playing on a traditional board, it is proposed to make a variant of a business board in the form of a real phone. On it we can place common household electrical products that surround us. These are switches, bulbs, buttons, power sockets.
Often we say to children: “It is impossible! Do not touch!". And indeed, it is dangerous to touch the socket, indulge in an electric wire. And if you give the child adult “toys” in the form of a Bizibord game introducing the child to dangerous household items, it will distract the baby from the real dangers.Since the dangerous objects used by adults will be in safe execution at the disposal of the child, the forbidden fruit will no longer be so sweet.
5. Options for the game.
We select the parts that we install on the phone. Given the installation location and the thickness of the housing, we additionally use

6. Preparing the phone.
Choose from the available in the house, the brightest phone with a dialer. We will analyze it completely.

For further work, we will leave the phone casing, the handset, the base with the dialer and the board, freeing it from the contents.

Disconnect the handset wire from the telephone and attach a typical electric plug to the wire.

At the base of the case, we fix the push-button switch. In the future, it can be used to turn on / off the light bulb or sound in the handset (after connecting it to the phone through a power socket). This will form an understanding of the sequence of actions. And this is a causal relationship.

7. Electronic part of the phone.
To attract the baby to perform any action, as an incentive, we add a bright LED to the design of the phone. It will light up or flash in response to the performed action (pressing a button, turning the dial of a dialer).
To ignite an LED, a voltage of 2.5 ... 3.5 volts is usually required, which requires the installation of two batteries. But even together, slightly discharged, they quickly lose the necessary voltage and the LED goes out. To solve the problem, we apply a simple and repeatedly tested blocking generator circuit.

For the operation of this circuit, one 1.5 volt battery is sufficient. The circuit works when the battery voltage drops to 0.7 volts. When using germanium transistors up to 0.5 volts.
The transformer is wound on a small 10 x 5 x 2 ferrite ring (can be removed from a non-working PC motherboard). Windings contain 20 ... 30 turns of insulated wire with a diameter of 0.2 ... 0.4 mm. Two wires are simultaneously and evenly wound around the ring. Then, the end of one wire is soldered to the beginning of the other, and this connection is connected to the plus of the battery. Two free ends of the wire are connected according to the scheme.
To operate the circuit on a single LED, a KT315 transistor or a low-power germanium transistor of the corresponding conductivity is suitable.
To reliably start the generator and lower the generation frequency, we put a capacitor C1 with a capacity of 1,000 ... 10,000 pF parallel to the resistor.
The circuit works stably, but for optimal operating modes of a particular LED and transistor, it is advisable to choose the resistance of the resistor R1, in the range 0.5 ... 4.7 kOhm.
The role of the power switch and chopper is performed by the built-in dialer contacts.
We solder this circuit on the mounting points of the phone board, freed from the standard parts.

On the outside of the base of the phone, so as not to often disassemble its body, we put the contacts for installing the battery. But at the same time, the child should not reach the battery and it should not fall out from the blow. Otherwise, we will hide it in the case.

Install all the accessories on the base.

Mark the location of additional parts on the phone. We drill holes, remove the chamfers and install the parts:
- button under the handset - can be pushed;
- socket on the left - insert the plug from the tube;
- variable resistance on the right - you can rotate the handle;
- dialer - you can twist, buzz and get a response by flashing the LED installed next to it.

Assemble the design. We will experience a business board at work. We dialed the number, the LED counted out the set number of flashes.