A similar effect is often realized in book holders. For example, they imitate a dog or cat passing through books. Well, the author of Instructables under the nickname me-again100 decided to get the illusion of a sword on which books are strung. Of course, in the course of the experiment not a single book was harmed, but why - see later.
It is clear that the master takes a toy sword, stupid:
He also acquires two magnets - it seems that you are already starting to guess what is the matter.
And also - there are many other, rather miniature magnets (here they are combined into long stacks that seem to be rods, attention, such magnets must be protected from children):
And sheet steel:
The next action of the master is easily predictable: of course, he cuts the sword in half.
Glue a lot of small magnets to the blade with epoxy resin

And to the hilt - two large ones:
The place of gluing closes with tape, as if it were:
By bending sheet steel, bookholders themselves receive:
Having made everything necessary, the master collects homemade. She places book holders on a shelf so that on each side they are covered only with book covers. And through the covers the blade is magnetized to them on one side, and on the other - the handle. Of course, at the same height to make it believable.
So the original interior element is ready, about the real device of which, however, it is not difficult to guess. Similar to the faucets popular in the nineties, hanging in the air, the secret of which was revealed, it was only necessary to turn off the power.