Good health to all modelers! Hello!
After much deliberation, and searches on the Internet, I finally chose material about the BD-5 aircraft model. The fact is that quite a lot of aircraft models built this model, but by the completeness of the lighting of the construction of this model, the author is from the Modelka forum, I liked the most. And besides, his model is equipped with a chassis, which I did not find on other models.
The author makes a model, adhering to the shown drawings, but with its dimensions.
The author decided to make a model with a profile wing.
Basically, the author applied a meter-long ceiling tile (ceiling) to build the model.

Work began with the manufacture and hanging of the elevator and direction.

Mounted fuselage. A shelf under the battery is glued.

Traction on elevators and directions are passed through the Bowden.

Servos - HXT 500.

A boar set on the elevator.

The fuselage is fully assembled.

In the manufacture of the motor mount, 3 mm was used. plywood.
Trying on the motor.

Some structural elements of the model are made of sheet insulation “Penoplex”.

Assembled wing console. Chassis retract installation sites are being prepared.

Chassis fitting work.

Wires from servos are laid, Channels are closed.
The wing lining continues.

Trying the finished chassis in place.

The result was such a nose stand.

This is how the chassis looks on the model.

The wing sheathing ends.

Ailerons are being prepared for installation.
Hanged on tape.

Wing assembly.
Servos retracted into the wing.

Wood sticks are glued to attach the wing to the fuselage.

The wing is bolted.
Mounting the nose rack.
and rotary mechanism.

Mounted knot rotation of the front pillar.

Motor - B 2826-6 2200
Screw - 8 X 4.

Battery - 2200 3S1P 20C
The final installation of the fuselage.

The access door to the battery compartment is cut out.

Mowing is done when installing the motor.

Placement of electronics.

Variant of model decoration.

Covering the model with colored tape.

Beautiful model turned out.
After the first flight, the author redid the nose stance.

Video flight model aircraft.
In conclusion, I want to say that according to these drawings and description, it is quite possible to make such a model.I wish you success in building and flying around the new model.
Goodbye, your Valerian.