When the author of Instructables, under the nickname rjones3, the flash drive was mechanically damaged, and only the case broke, and the board remained intact, he began to figure out what to put it in. Parts from Lego, Pez candy dispenser, parts from Barbie dolls ... No, it's not that. Here is the epoxy resin - the one from which the charms are made with insects inside - this is stylish, it will look, nobody has it! True, the flash drive will be non-separable and non-repairable. It will become harder to damage it mechanically, but after electrical damage it will be impossible to solder anything on the board.
Immediately after damage, the master temporarily repairs the body with duct tape:
When the time comes to rework the flash drive, removes the board from the case:

From clamps and woodworking waste collects this form:
Takes a two-component epoxy resin:
Puts the board in the form and pours. Gradually. In layers. Stirs a little, fills and hardens. Then again. In total, it took two whole days.
But now everything is ready, and the master extracts the result from the form:
In principle, this can be stopped, but the master carefully, so as not to touch the board, drills a hole in the epoxy and adds a strap holder:
And then experiencing homemade in business:
After about a month of use, the surface of the flash drive was covered with small bubbles, possibly due to the wrong proportion when mixing the resin components. But still, the device continued to look more interesting than ready-made flash drives, which are made a lot of the same.