Greetings to all readers and masters. Surely many people are familiar with the situation - if you build a house, a little time will pass and the living space will begin to be scarce. Someone in this situation equips the attic in a comfortable attic, some have a terrace, and the author of this project decided to attach, you can say, a full-fledged room in which you can gather a cheerful company on a holiday or just relax in peace and quiet.
Step 1
First, the author cleaned the area in front of the house using a rope and pegs, marked it up and installed metal racks with brackets from the plates for the lower strapping beam on the marks (concrete stands can be used instead). It turned out a kind of pile foundation.
Step 2
On the installed supports, the author fixed the beams from the board and adjusted them according to the level so that there were no distortions.
Step 3
On a prepared basis, the author mounted the floor frame. Around the frame is a frame from a built board, inside there is a lattice in one board. To connect the parts, the author used metal corners and long wood screws.
Step 4
From below, the author attached a metal mesh to the beams of the frame, it will serve as the basis for vapor barrier and will not allow rodents to damage it.
Step 5
On the finished base, in rectangular cells, the author laid blocks of mineral wool in several layers, flush with the top edge of the baseboard.
Step 6
On top of mineral wool, the author laid a dense film and, as it should, fixed it along the edges of the base.
Step 7
Over the film, I screwed multilayer plywood 18 mm thick with screws.
Step 8
When the foundation was ready, the author proceeded to the construction of walls. First, he mounted the frames of all three in turn from the boards (the fourth is the wall of the house). Then I sewed them with OSB plates, leaving openings for windows and doors.
Step 9
After the erection of the walls, the author secured the supporting roof beam. At one end, using all the same metal corners and screws, I attached it to the wall of the house, having previously removed part of the siding. The second end was mounted on the opposite wall of the extension using a rack.