Hello dear readers! Sit back, and I'll tell you why the proposed homemade author Instructables under the nickname W_Becker in its current form is bullshit, and how to modify it quite a bit so that it ceases to be such.
So, he set an interesting task for himself: to put a power source, a switch and edektromanit in the body of the marker-highlighter to get a switched-off magnetic field source for a variety of purposes - from experiments in physics lessons to extracting fallen hardware from hard-to-reach places in a workshop. The ability to turn off the field definitely makes the device more convenient, say, a magnetized screwdriver.
So, the master takes a dried marker, highlighter, nail, battery, switch, electrical tape, ordinary and winding wire, tools:
Parses the marker, secures the switch in its cap:
An electromagnet winds it up, making a wall from hot-melt adhesive restricting the creep of winding turns, then isolates everything:
Adds a battery, everything connects:

It dulls the nail for safety, puts everything in the body from the marker, checks - it works perfectly!
Well, if it works, and it copes with its function - what is the bullshit here? Let's go in order.
Let's start with the electromagnet. The translator himself wound his first magnetic antenna - right on the ferrite core, without at least a primitive frame. Everything worked, but could stop at any moment. After all, the core is solid, it does not cost him to wipe the varnish insulation of the wire. And hello, interturn circuit! Just one layer of electrical tape, not only after winding the winding, but also before - and such situations can not be afraid.
Move on. The length of the core protruding outward from the body of the marker is clearly small. You won’t get it from any hard-to-reach place, oh, not from anyone. It must be more authentic. But what he blunted - this is what the master did right.
And finally, the convenience of access to the battery compartment.First open the marker, then unwind so much, roll so much. You can make spring contacts, then at least you will not have to unwind and wind it up. But it’s better to place the standard compartment on the outer surface of the case from the marker - it’s not so beautiful, but the convenience will increase once a hundred.
Oh yes, not all chargers allow you to charge AA and AAA batteries one at a time. It is better to wind twice as many turns on the electromagnet (by the way, how many - not a word about this in the article), and take the appropriate compartment - two batteries.
Very minor improvements - and a great idea for the wizard will be implemented in the best possible way. And the design will in no way look like bullshit.