And when asked how I can “compensate” for such a “rent”, I asked to make attributes for him:
• scoop;
• tongs;
• poker;
• and a brush.
She refused the proposed forged, fashionable, as a gift. Although the reason - her birthday was very welcome, adding something like: "make your beloved mother yourself." Moreover, some requirements for him for a short use of the fireplace have already been formed. Therefore, we proceed.
I did not think that such a device would cause so much controversy. Since the card brush, regardless of what the bristles are made of, steel or bronze, the “customer” immediately rejected. "There’s nothing to scrap my brand new fireplace." And the option from the brush-brush seemed to me too small: given the amount of coal and soot, you can rake garbage out of the fireplace for a long time.
The source code was found by itself: it broke a sweeping mop. But instead of buying / making a new pen for her - she just could not stand the intense sweeping, I decided to adapt for this homemade.
A pen. Considering that not only the bottom of the fireplace, but also the walls will be swept with a brush, I had to get confused with the handle. Therefore, if you get the impression that it is very bulky and uncomfortable, I hasten to upset: use has shown that this is not so. And he made it from scraps of plastic pipes half an inch and three quarters: they were just at hand.
In addition, we needed corners, tees and plugs,
as well as washers with a large shelf.
It was in them that I drilled two holes with a diameter of 4 mm.
He made the plugs even - I got the round part, and through the washers, one inside the plug,
and the second - with the "hairy" part, twisted. First one,
then the second.
Then to hang the brush on the hook, from the M6 screw, or rather, its pieces without thread, I made such a stopper. And outside, through the washer, inserted a key ring.
He soldered the structure and only at the end soldered it to the plugs on the brush itself. I poked the dimensions a little, she bent slightly. No problem.
Moreover, depending on the place in the fireplace that you clean,
tackling it is equally convenient.
The brush is ready, proceed to the rest of the elements.
This is a "piano in the bushes." Since the strip of stainless steel is 1.5 mm thick, 20 mm wide and meter long, I had an elementary. Therefore, she just had to be bent as needed. At the ends, first
and then in the middle. And in order to get the ring and the halves did not fit one on one, he laid a thick core and a piece of plywood-four when he clamped the structure in a vice.
The tongs are ready.
Moreover, as shown by their use, it is equally convenient to turn firewood in the fireplace and steaks on the grill equally well.
Similar did more than once or twice: nothing wise. I printed a picture of the appropriate size, just A4 size,
I had a piece of tin 20 by 30 cm, glued and cut.
secured for fidelity with two rivets.
The scoop itself is ready.
And I decided to make a pen, given the resulting dimensions of the scoop, from a piece of aluminum tube: it was at hand. Diagonally cut one edge, drilled a hole: so it will hang.
Flattened the other edge, bent, drilled two holes,
and riveted to the box.
Now and the scoop
We continue.
Another "piano in the bushes." Since I was looking for a bar with a thickness of 8 ... 12 mm at the nearest collection point of the Vtorchermet, and I found a ready poker.
But as the first fitting showed, it is too short. Therefore, there was nothing left but to lengthen it. At first there was an idea to put the tube in, cutting the thread in it from the outside, and on the stem - the outside (there was a similar experience), and then a handle for the file caught my eye.
Great idea, you still will never get burned, even if you forget it in a burning fireplace.
The bar of the found poker was straightened (I even had to heat it, the gas stove was good at home),
and insert it into the pen. The hole intended for the file had to be drilled. So that the handle does not burst when boiling up.
But the poker also needs to be suspended. And if so, then I made such a fastening from the L-shaped hook.
In the back of the handle also drilled a hole for it, and twisted.
So the poker is ready.
Now you can proceed directly to what all this will hang on.
Hooks for everything done
And again, the “piano in the bushes” - lucky for me this time. It just fit perfectly with the hook hook for the kitchen spoons.
She didn’t even have to modify it at all, just bent the hooks, which over the years of use have straightened.
I will fix the fireplace: two holes, two dowels (I know that you do not need to take plastic ones, but there is a thick wall and it does not heat up much),
and the hooks are screwed.
That's all the wisdom, it remains to hang them.
I accept criticism.
From the fact that so far I managed to note, all the quirks of different lengths, and look "not ice." And the rest - it turned out very, very.