The author of Instructables has an ugly lamp under a nickname in the bathroom, which, moreover, is offset from the center of the mirror. The following is a classic "was-became" collage:
The mirror, as we see, is replaced by the master. And what does the lamp do, read on.
Let's look at the lamp nearby. Perhaps, to many readers, it will seem, on the contrary, beautiful, and even vintage. But the master does not think so.
He makes three planks with a thickness of 6 mm: two with dimensions of 115x150 mm and one with dimensions of 405x50 mm. He also takes a wooden profile of a square section with a side of 20 mm and saws off bars of 150 mm in length from it. Assembles from them the following construction on PVA glue:
It is painted in the following order: two layers of paint, one layer of stain, one layer of white wax. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

The diffuser makes by gluing the fabric to a rectangle of plexiglass measuring 280x350 mm and a thickness of 3 mm, the diffuser itself glues to the wooden structure.

Removes the lampshade from the old lamp, carries out the necessary preventive measures when the power is off, changes the lamps to LED ones.

Sets homemade on top of the lamp, not paying attention to its center, instead aligning the center of the sink, mirror, etc. As a construction level, the master uses a smartphone with the appropriate application.

From the translator: the fixture installed in the bathroom must be protected from splashes.