All poultry farmers know that when laying eggs in an incubator, it is necessary to ensure in the incubator not only the right temperature and humidity, but also periodic egg turning.
The master decided to try to make such a device on his own.
Tools and materials:
- Egg tray;
Pulleys - 3 pcs;
Step One: Box
For the prototype of the incubator, the master uses a cardboard box sufficient to accommodate three pulleys and an egg tray.
Step Two: Transfer
To turn the tray 180 degrees, the master decided to use the engine and a belt drive with three pulleys + pulley on the motor shaft. Drawings of pulleys in the photo below.
Everything is going this way.
A holder will be installed on the last pulley to which the egg tray will be attached.

Step Three: Build
On the box secures two boards, one outside the other inside.
Installs pulleys.
Secures engine and tray.
Step Four: Arduino
Connects the wires to the terminals 5V, GND and 13 Arduino. Connects the plus, minus and 13 relays to S. Connects the wires from the motor to the relay.
I downloaded the previously written code. According to him, every twelve hours the engine should turn on for 37 seconds. During this time, the tray should rotate 180 degrees.
The master made the holder for the battery from a paper towel radiator by making caps for them. The master uses four batteries to power it.
After assembly, the master tested his device. Everything worked perfectly. Further in his plans to make a normal case for the incubator and equip it with a heater and this device.