It seems that in the film "Bronze Bird" a pioneer, nailing a slogan, held nails in his mouth. As a result, he either swallowed it, or dropped it and did not understand it himself.
To avoid such situations, you can make a magnetic holder, as did the CRAMBOMA life hacker. Tools and materials will need the simplest.
-Heat-shrink tubing;
- Several flat neodymium magnets;
-Glue gun;
-Working glove;

Cut off the required length of the heat shrink tube and place the magnets in it.

We heat the shrink so that it snugs tightly around the magnets.

Using a glue gun, glue the thermotubes with magnets to the glove.

We put on a glove and magnetize the necessary tool (drills, bits) or consumables (nails, screws).