When our son grew up and learned to press the buttons, it was time to protect the TV and various TV devices with a physical barrier that would not allow the little experimenter to get to the technique.
Something like a mantelpiece came to mind, but all the finished fencing was too high, closing the TV itself. I decided to make such a fence of wooden pencils.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
- pencils made of 3x1 inch boards
- the frame is made of trims with a square section of 1.5 inches
- need markers and paints for decor
- wood screws.
- angle cutter (miter saw)
- drill
- screwdriver
- paint brushes
- roulette
- Sander
Step 2: Pencil Blanks
- Cut the boards to the desired length.
- For simplicity, you can install a stop block on the saw so that the saw stops in the middle of the bar.
- Set the angle on the saw. I cut at 23 degrees.
- Point the tops of all future pencils. I placed them in my fence at a distance of about 8 cm from each other. The number of pencils is calculated based on the length of the fence.
- Round off all sharp edges of pencils
- Cut the crossbars for the future fence of the desired length.
NOTE: There are many ways to cut sharp edges (circular, jigsaw, band saw). I used a cutter, the most convenient tool for me.
Step 3: Build
Each pencil I fastened to the cross bar with two screws. There were two rows of transverse slats - one at the bottom, the second at the level of the bevels of the pencils. Pencils are important to securely fasten, as the child will pull them on himself in an attempt to tear. The distance between the pencils was about 8 cm.
After the frame was assembled, I placed it around the TV stand with screws and dowels (photo, alas, no). I numbered the pencils with felt-tip pens and painted over the tops with paint.
This reliable protection for the TV served me as much as 2 years, until my son learned how to press all the buttons in a row.