In this case, you should maintain the distance of the incision from the eyes. So, the upper cut is done at a distance not closer than 1-2 cm to the eye. The lower one is 0.5-1 cm, slightly obliquely. Cutting should be done with a sharp knife.
Prepared cuttings should be soaked in clean water (boiled, melt, purified) with the addition of honey, heteroauxin or other drugs (humisol, charcora, sodium humate). Their optimum concentration is indicated in the annotation.
At the end of the term, the cuttings must be left in the open air for 15-30 minutes. Then, in their lower part, 2-3 shallow cuts of 1-2 cm each are made, vertically. The preparation "Kornevin" is rubbed into the received incisions.
The next stage is the formation (germination) of the roots. To do this, use a small capacity (half-liter jar, for example). Spread cotton at the bottom, with a layer of 2 cm. Add chilled boiled water, with a layer of 2 cm. To prevent water from deteriorating, add a small piece of charcoal and 1-2 crystals of potassium permanganate (the water should be pale pink).
Prepared cuttings are placed in the resulting solution. The level of the solution should be maintained, as it evaporates.
Important Tips
Root formation occurs best at the border of water and air. The first grape roots appear from the nodes of the cuttings.
For open buds, you can create a greenhouse. To do this, you can put a plastic bag on dishes with cuttings. In this case, add water less often.
The vessel can be placed on a warm (!) Base. For example, use a sheet of metal mounted above the battery.
First, the buds open, then the roots appear (after 2-3 weeks). In the event that an shoot emerges from the kidney, and another one follows after it, but the roots have not yet appeared, the first shoot should be very carefully removed.
Root formation and planting

Roots are formed from cuts on cuttings. Calluses first appear, then roots come from them. Their permissible length is 0.5-1 cm. The roots should not be allowed to be too long, otherwise they will easily break when planting.
Cuttings with roots are planted in any container suitable for this. The size of the container for planting the cuttings should be sufficient - the larger it is, the more powerful the plant will grow. It is possible to use: cardboard, wooden, glass or plastic containers.
Fill containers with cuttings should be such an earthen mixture:
1 t. Turf or garden land;
1 h. Humus;
2 hours of sand.

The depth of the “heel” of the handle should not exceed ¼ of the capacity. The main goal is to leave enough space at the bottom of the container for root development. After planting, it is necessary to water abundantly with clean water (flowing).
After planting, special attention should be paid to the condition of the vine leaves. It is unacceptable that they dry out. This can provoke an unbalanced chemical composition of the earth. To avoid negative consequences, you can use this solution:
2-3 liters wood ash bred in 1 liter. water. The infused solution is used for watering seedlings. Also, you can use a ready-made solution of manganese chelate. The use of these solutions is possible when planting cuttings, as a preventive measure.
You can plant seedlings in open ground in May.