The green lawn, completely covered with meadow flowers, captivates with its natural beauty, attracting universal attention. Primrose, gypsophila, Chinese carnation, calendula, flax, cornflower, snowdrop, crocus, tulip, hyacinth, poppy, veronica and many other annual and perennial flowers replacing each other throughout the summer - this is what a flowering Moorish lawn looks like, which is gaining again popularity among flower growers. Create Moorish Lawn do it yourself it’s easy, for this you can use a ready-made flower mixture of 20-30 different plants or you can make a mixture yourself, guided by your own taste.
Of course, you shouldn’t sow all the free space on the site with a Moorish lawn - the picture will be too colorful, but under the trees, around ponds or near a hedge, it will look very harmonious. In addition, any soil is suitable for the Moorish lawn, since the plants that make up its composition are unpretentious.
If you don't like the colorful motley herbs, create an exquisite lawn of clover. White clover heads look charming on a thick emerald carpet, seeds are inexpensive, the grass grows rapidly throughout the lawn and is not afraid of trampling.
Choosing colors and blends for Moorish lawn
In flower shops and markets you can find many multicolored ready-made mixes for the Moorish lawn, including cereal grass, undersized flower crops and mineral fertilizers. Only when buying grass mixtures, it should be borne in mind that in Russian climatic conditions, domestic seeds will grow better.
Would you like to pick your own plants for your Moorish lawn? Try to make the mixture so that it contains at least ten plants that bloom at different times in order to achieve the effect of a constantly flowering meadow.
Grasses are suitable for an annual lawn: meadow bluegrass and annual, annual ryegrass, common fieldgrass. Of the flowers you can plant flax, calendula, flax red and blue, delphinium, chrysanthemum, nemesia, eschscholzia, nigella, Chinese cloves, musky and blue cornflower, gypsophila.
For a perennial lawn, choose pasture ryegrass, thin woodland or red fescue. Bulb flowers will be well combined with cereals: tulips, crocuses, daffodils, galanthus, anemones, kandyks, hyacinths, muscari, grouse, grouse, snowdrops. Abundant self-seeding will be provided by: primrose, swimsuit, veronica, erigeron, oriental poppy, catchment, doronicum, clerk.
In addition, daisies of various varieties, forget-me-nots, daisies, dwarf zinnias, primroses and Zephyranthus look great on the Moorish lawn.
Moorish lawn cultivation and care
It is advisable to choose a well-lit place for the Moorish lawn, even if the soil is infertile. In the autumn, level the area, clear the land of debris and dig it to a depth of 30 cm, removing weeds with roots. Spread humus or rotted manure into the soil to increase fertility.
In spring, the prepared area will need to be rolled up, tamped with feet, slightly bred and left for a couple of weeks, regularly removing emerging weeds. Before sowing, apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers for lawns to the ground.
Sowing of seeds begins in early May, while the soil contains a lot of moisture. About 6-10 g of seeds are sown per square meter, and you can mix cereals with flower crops or sow flowers with islands in the grass. Seeds scattered on the ground close up with a rake and pack. Then gently water the lawn from a watering can with a fine sieve so that the seeds are not washed out of the ground. During the season, the lawn can be watered using an installed sprinkler.
Cover the crops from the birds with covering material, and within a week or two you will notice the first shoots, and by July your multi-colored Moorish lawn will bloom. It will only need to be trimmed once per season - after seed maturation, at a height of 10 cm from the ground. Seeds that fall into the soil will sprout next spring, saving you from unnecessary trouble.
It is for the ability to independently renew, grow on any type of soil and not require regular mowing, the Moorish lawn deserved the best reviews. The only drawback of the Moorish lawn is that it is undesirable to walk on it (crushed grass does not rise), it is impossible to cut off faded plants before the seeds ripen, and, in addition, not everyone is able to appreciate the beauty of the herbs - in some, the Moorish lawn is more associated with overgrown flower bed.
Growing a lawn from clover
Due to the low cost of clover seeds and its amazing ability to grow rapidly, dragging out all the empty spaces, the lawn from this plant does not require special financial and time costs. It is enough to sow clover seeds for the lawn until the end of August in a well-lit place, and next year it will fill the entire territory intended for it with a dense green carpet.
White creeping clover is most often used for a lawn - it blooms in May and ends in August, after which the lawn needs to be mowed. From August there is a second wave of flowering and lasts until October. Since clover grows rapidly, reaching 30 cm in height, it needs to be trimmed from time to time. Some varieties (for example, Rivendel) are stunted, growing only up to 10 cm.
Clover lawn has many advantages:
- he is unpretentious,
- practically not trampled down,
- forms a dense green mass,
- looks attractive
- retains bright color from late spring to mid autumn.
But the minuses of clover are no less:
- the lawn requires constant care (mowing as clover grows, removing brown faded flower heads);
- in dense greenery constantly increased humidity, which attracts snails and slugs;
- bees are not indifferent to the flowers of clover, therefore such a lawn is not suitable for children's corners;
- Clover often freezes and undergoes fungal diseases;
- growing beyond the borders of the lawn, the plant quickly captures the adjacent beds and flower beds, turning into a hard-to-remove weed.
Given all the advantages and disadvantages of a clover lawn and Moorish lawn, you can easily make the right choice. Both options have their fans and opponents, it's up to you to create a bright multi-colored lawn on your site or cover the site with a green carpet covered with snow-white clover heads.