Distilled water itself is very affordable both in price and in quantity. However, for those who like to do everything do it yourself This method of obtaining should like its simplicity and accessibility.
The need for distilled water appeared when it was necessary to dilute highly concentrated acid for the car battery to the required values. Having studied the information available on the Internet, I generalized and partially simplified their most accessible methods.
Firstly, in many sources, at the initial stage, water is collected in a canister, left for 10 hours with the lid open, so that all the chlorine disappears and a precipitate forms. Subsequently, using a hose, pour 2/3 of the upper part of the liquid into another, while trying not to mix with the bottom. How all is heavily described. But everything can be done much easier. Almost everyone has a water filter at home.

With the help of my existing filter jug, the aquaphor with the installed filter B100-5, which removes chlorine, pesticides and heavy metals from the passport, I collected the necessary (namely 2 l) water. That's all. It is not clear why other authors of such articles do not do this (at least I have not come across the Internet).
After that I poured the existing liquid into the pan and brought to a boil. Drops form on the lid of the pan during the boil, and we need them. Gently lifting the lid, I tilted it over a previously thoroughly washed and dried wide-necked container and collected condensate using a rubber spatula to grout the tile seams. Here's what it looks like:
Similar actions were repeated many times until approximately the required amount was accumulated.
He gave to friends who work in the laboratory chem. production for analysis. They get distilled water in a small installation in their laboratory and analyze. The quality of the distilled water I received was in line with the standards, although with limit values.All in all, quite acceptable.