This design was not invented by me, but verified by personal experience. Indeed, it somehow works. Of course, you should not expect anything supernatural from her, but she’s quite capable of catching a couple of channels.
For a homemade can antenna, we need: 2 bugs, 2 empty beer cans, a soldering iron (optional), 3-5 meters of cable (television cable), a wooden hanger, electrical tape.

Carefully cut the soft upper sheath of the cable at one end. Under it you will see a silver screen - something resembling foil. And under the screen there will be another soft protective layer. Under this layer will be the cable itself. The upper soft layer is cut off 10 centimeters from the edge. Gently twist the screen with your fingers to get a branch. The middle protective layer is cut off by 1 centimeter. Here's what we get.

On the other side of the cable, such a plug should remain. We will connect it to the TV.

Now about the banks themselves. Open the cans very carefully so that the opener keys do not fall off. So it is necessary for business. Rinse and dry the jar. Now take the prepared cable and, with a small bug, fasten the screen to one bank and the core of the cable to the other.

Image quality improves if you solder these bugs on top of the jar.

Now these jars need to be attached to the hanger. Conventional electrical tape or tape is suitable. It is important that the hanger is wooden.
Banks must be on the same line. But the distance between them depends on the capacity of the cans. If the capacity is 0.75 L, then the distance should be 75 mm. Despite the fact that in our case the capacity was 0.5 l, the broadcast quality was better with a distance of 75 mm.
Your homemade antenna is ready.