This interesting "PULYALKU" can be done by the child himself! (able to handle scissors or a knife !!!): wink:
+ Pretty high throwing speed
+ Easy to manufacture, cheap.
+ Compactness.
+ Practical noiselessness. (Only light cotton rubber)
+ Availability of free shells: round stones, etc.
+ Easy to repair.
We will need:
- 15 minutes of free time!
- Plastic bottle
- Rubber glove
- Knife or scissors
- Iso-tape
2. Cut the neck of a plastic bottle, cut the fingertip from a rubber glove!
3. With a flick of the wrist we put the fingertip cut by us on the neck of the bottle!
4. Fasten with electrical tape. Done!
Some operating notes

Take our home-made “bullet” we take a small pebble (the best option for a charge), pull our gum (fingertip) 10 centimeters (the optimal tension distance), choose a target that suits us and sharply release the gum (fingertip)!
The convenience of such a "PULYALKI" as a small weapon lies in the fact that the shells used in it are quite accessible and free, since they are only:
Here are the types of slingshot shells:

Range of stone shot at 350-400 meters, with an average speed of 50-65 m / s
The range of the shot purchased bullets in the "children's world" at 200-300 meters, with an average speed of 45-50 m / s
Range of a shot of a bent bracket for 250-320 meters, with an average speed of 50-60 m / s
Basically, the firing range and the speed of the projectile depends on the stretching of the gum (BUT with a large stretch, the fingertip can break !!!!)