Summer, heat, sun, stuffy rooms. It just seems impossible to escape from the heat. There is only one way - this is a fan. But this thing is not cheap. What to do when you don’t want to spend money on a fan, and now you just have nowhere to go from the heat? The answer is simple - you need to make a fan yourself, with your handles. And computer disks will help you with this.
Such a fan will save you from heat and stuffiness, save your budget, and can also serve as an unusual piece of furniture. A fan is made very simply and quickly enough.
In order to make this miracle fan you will need:
- Two drives
- A motor (for example, from a tape recorder or player)
- Cork (wooden)
- USB connector with cable
- Two wires and a paper tube
- Glue, scissors
The first thing to do is to cut the disk into eight equal parts using scissors.

After eight identical parts of the disk are ready, you will need fire (you can take a small candle). The cut disk must be held above a burning candle, thereby heating it. And in the process of heating, it is necessary to carefully turn each part of the disk in different directions, thereby making the so-called propeller.

The next step. In the center of the disk you need to fix a wooden cork (for example, from under the wine). The cork is attached with the help of reliable "super" glue.

When the design is ready, you need to take a second disk. Attach a paper tube to the center of this disc using the same reliable glue. A motor is mounted on a paper tube.

On the motor axis, you need to attach a ready-made propeller disk.
After you complete everything step by step, you can connect the motor (for this you need a USB cable with a connector). If everything is done correctly, then you will get an original and compact fan made by your own handles in the shortest possible time.
This mini fan does not require a lot of space, it is compact, but at the same time convenient and practical to use. It is original and does not require much effort to quickly craft in home conditions.Where to install such a fan is everyone’s decision. As an example, such a fan is perfect for installation at a computer table, in the workplace. It is convenient in that it can always be rearranged to another place. Absolutely everyone can make such a fan, and since he creates it with his own handles, you get a real exclusive thing.