Today, such popular lures as, for example, popper, are known to almost all fishermen, because they not only show excellent results in pike fishing, but they are also quite easy to make home conditions from improvised means. You can, of course, purchase this bait in specialized stores, but for those fishermen who like to make their own gear, we propose to build such a popper that will be no worse, and maybe better, a store bait.
Popper Parts

For the home-made popper, which we get in the end, we need a minimum of time and cost. Armed with a medical syringe with a capacity of five cubes, a cork from under a bottle of dry wine, two wires, two tees and steel balls, which, by the way, can be removed by disassembling the old bearing, we proceed to manufacture our bait.
Stage one

Take the cork and cut it into two different-sized cylinders, but before that, grind it so that it fits tightly into the body of the syringe. In this case, the length of the first cylinder should be about 5 millimeters, and the second - 20 mm. Next, you should get rid of the cone of the syringe on which the needle is worn. The medicine pushing piston should also be cut into pieces, since here we need only its middle part and the round screw disk.
Second phase

We measure the details we need, which will be located inside the syringe. As a result, they should be slightly shorter than his cavity by 3-4 mm.
Next, we place our billets inside the syringe in the following sequence: a small cylinder, then a disk and, finally, the middle part of the piston, while most of the cork we leave alone. Armed with an awl or a small drill, we make through a previously cut cone, an opening in a small part of the cork. As for most of the cork, we also make holes in it and insert a wire into them, where the first hole will be straight and pass through, and the second will be pierced at an angle, namely from the side of the cork, but so that the outlet is next to first (see photo).

Next, we pull the wire through the side hole of the plug and draw it into a pre-puncture in the body of the syringe.
Stage Three
Remember, before making holes, it is still worth measuring again, since during assembly, the hole in the cork must be aligned with the hole made by the body of the syringe. The wires sticking out of the larger cylinder should be twisted together so that a small ring is formed, we will need it for binding. Next, we place the prepared balls in the side chambers of the middle part of the piston; you can determine the number of balls for yourself individually.
Fourth stage

From all pieces of wire sticking out from the syringe, we form rings for the subsequent connection of tees to them. You can choose the sizes of tees independently. Following the simple instructions outlined above, you should get a homemade popper that can be colored at the end by placing it inside the syringe or wrapping it outside, for example, with a candy wrapper or chocolate foil.