Crucian carp is a clever and cunning fish, and in order to catch it, you must have the same talents. It is found mainly in rivers, lakes, and also due to its unpretentiousness, it is found in semi-underground reservoirs, almost completely covered by mud. Each fisherman comes up with his own methods of catching this fish - someone invents a unique bait, someone uses copyrighted gear, and someone analyzes her behavior and character.
Entering the market "Killer Crucibles", was a pleasant surprise for many anglers. The uniqueness of this tackle is the presence of 3-5 feeders and up to 10 hooks, which allows you to use several types of bait and feeding at the same time.
True, and it is not perfect. Experienced fishermen over time noticed several mistakes made during the creation by the manufacturer, namely, the fastening of the sinker does not allow quick replacement if necessary, and a tightly attached hook with a short leash increases the chances of breaking the fish from the tackle. But these shortcomings can be easily eliminated with a little effort. Small modifications will add sensitivity and subtlety to our gear. To do this, you will need tackle itself, with a peculiar name - “Crucian Killer”, a strong kapron thread (40-50 cm), five - seven swivels and several small beads.
For starters, we attach a swivel to one end of the thread

- to him later we will cling sinker. Having departed from it 10 cm, we fix the first bead, twice pass through it with a thread and tie a double knot. We dress one more swivel (next a hook is hung on it) and again a bead. Now you can put the first feeder on the thread (it will turn out “floating”, we will not fix it). Then again a bead, a swivel, a bead, a feeder, the last one should always be a bead that will hold the feeder in place. We hang a sinker on the first swivel.
The result should be a kind of garland. We also fix the swivel on the free end of the thread - through it we will connect the tackle and the main fishing line.
Now you can impose hooks.The leash length is chosen by the fisherman on his own, the best option is 3-6 cm. A special fishing thread is used for them - durable, but practically invisible to fish in water.

Having made a number of such simple actions, you can get better and more efficient tackle, which, despite the name, you can also catch carp, roach, carp or bream.