Spinners can certainly be bought at any fishing shop. But for a real fisherman make gear do it yourself - A pleasure exciting no less than the fishing process itself. We offer a simple construction of manufacturing spinners, available even to those who first took up the tools to create it.
Fig. 1 Templates
You will need tools:
• Scissors for metal.
• A spoon.
• Hammer.
• Wooden drifts from oak or beech.
• Drill
• Substrate.
• Drill.
• Sanding cloth.
• Felt.
• Paste GOI.
• Kern.
• Pliers.
• Round-nose pliers.
• Soldering iron.
• Nippers.

Step 1
Remember that you will need a matrix. Usually, for this role, fishing anglers use an ordinary deep teaspoon.
An additional load is cast from a wooden mold. Its weight should be 15-20 grams (overall size 26x15x6 mm).
Make a template: see fig. 1. Cut the workpiece. We polish it from two sides. We put the prepared workpiece in a spoon and with not very strong blows of the hammer on the punch, we give the future spinner the necessary shape. We recommend starting from the edges, gradually moving toward the center of the part. Note that if the convexity of the product should be increased, then the workpiece itself is smoothly shifted closer to the handle.
Step 2
With a core, we outline the center of the future spinner. To do this, at a distance of, say, 2-3 mm from the edge of the longitudinal axis, make a mark and drill a hole. If necessary, then you need to make additional polishing of the product, so the fish will like it more.

Step 3
We bend with the help of pliers the drilled front part of the spinner at a distance of about 5-6 mm from the edge at an angle of about 90 degrees. And now - the long-awaited petal of our amazing baubles is ready!
Step 4
Now proceed to installation. To do this, the tee is mounted on a core wire. At one end of the wire with a pair of pliers we make a convenient loop. Next, we start a tee - we wrap the free end 6-7 times around the wire. Excess materials are removed using nippers, and the sharpest edges should even be soldered.
We wrap the core wire of the spinner with several turns of a thin copper wire. This will be the limiter.
Next, we need to string a bead and a petal of baubles. To do this, adjust the lure. The limiter with the lower edge should not reach the hook loop by 3-5 mm. We smoothly move the limiter along the core wire. It remains only to solder the copper wire.
Step 5
At a distance of 100-110 mm from the loop of the hook you need to grab the rod wire with a pair of pliers, making the second loop. The twist should be soldered. We recommend masking the tee, for example, with red woolen threads or, say, goat hair.

Using a fishing line, we attach an additional weight to the spinner at a distance of 200-250 mm. Its thickness should not exceed somewhere 0.3 mm.
Everything - the spinning glitter for your fishing is ready!