Often motorists in the garage a decent amount of car tires are accumulating, which have already become unusable, but it’s a pity to throw them away for some reason. But sometimes the moment comes when you think: "What to do with them?" One of the best options for using these tires is to ennoble your infield and make beautiful swans out of them. In practice, there are two methods for their manufacture: with turning tires and, accordingly, without.
What is useful to us for making a swan from a tire:
• Old car tire (it is better to use a tire from a domestic passenger car, since it does not contain metal cord and it will be much easier to cut them).
• An elastic sheet of metal or wire (necessary to give the swan's neck a better fit).
• A few screws.
• For painting the swan - white and red paint.
Of the working tools we need a well-sharpened knife, perhaps a hacksaw for metal or a jigsaw for denser places on the tire. And if you still come across with a metal cord, I advise you to take an electric jigsaw. To attach an iron sheet or wire to the neck of a swan, we need a drill.
The main stages of work on the creation of a swan from a tire:
1. First, divide the tire in half and mark with chalk these two equal parts. One part will be the beginning for the head and tail, and the second will be used to create the neck. Then we draw a triangle on the tire - this will be a blank for the neck, the remaining segments of the tire with wings.

2. Then we proceed to cutting out the main parts of the swan, for this we use a knife (previously soaked in soapy water) or an electric jigsaw.

3. Then comes the most difficult and crucial stage of work - we begin to twist the tire and give it the shape of a swan. For convenience, it is better, of course, to do this together, but if at the moment there is nobody nearby, you can do it alone, having previously stepped on the outer part of the tire. As a result, we get an almost finished swan.

4.Now it's time to fix the neck. For this, it is necessary to make paired holes in the tire and, using a wire, create the correct shape on the neck of the swan. The metal frame must be fixed on the outside of the neck, after painting it will all become invisible. If you use a sheet of metal, then it should be narrower than the neck itself and slightly longer. The frame is created, as in the previous case, but in this case we use the drill to make holes in the sheet of metal and fasten it to the tire.

5. To complete our creation, we paint our swan in white, using red for the beak. If you need to make the eyes, we make them from self-tapping screws.

There is also another version of the swan - without having to turn the tire inside out, in this case the wings will be more lowered to the ground.