It is very convenient to carry out various agricultural work on such a tractor. The compact size provides excellent maneuverability, but despite the minimalist appearance it is a real working technique. In addition, special attachments can be made depending on the complex of work performed on the tractor.

The tractor itself has 8 speeds, and its maximum speed can reach 25 km / h. Also, with the help of a tractor, goods weighing up to 1 ton can be transported. trailer with sides or a platform on a carriage.
When creating a mini-tractor, the following components and assemblies were used:
• Engine - MD-8, 8 l. S., 300 rpm, V = 400 cc (plant "Gomselmash");
• Drive - reduction gear ZiD-4,5: 1st gear - 250 rpm, 2nd gear - 500 rpm; drive through the SHRUS of the car (m. B. cardan);
• KPP - GAZ-69 9 ("goat", UAZ);
• Rear axle - LuAZ-amphibian: gearbox from it, the rest is homemade (half shafts, "stockings");
• Steering column - GAZ-69 (UAZ);
• Clutch - trigger engine with MTZ-80 (clutch in an oil bath);
• Generator - from MTZ-80;
• Distributor - from the T-25 tractor, two-section;
• The main brake cylinder - from UAZ;
• Hydraulic pump - NSh-6, right rotation (or NSh-10