Sowing shaft
Three rows of cells are drilled on a seed shaft from an aluminum tube. Each of these rows is intended for seeds of a certain size.

Sectional vegetable seeder: 1 - metal reef (hoop on the wheel hub), 2 - opener, 3 - locking bolt, 4 - brush, 5 - hopper, 6 - seeder frame, 7 - nylon wheel, 8 - shaft, 9 - handle bracket, 10 - cover, 11 - latch
The first row (left) has 8 cells with a diameter of 4.5 mm and a depth of 3 mm. These cells serve for seeds of carrots, parsley, lettuce, sorrel, etc. The middle row consists of 16 cells d 5.5x4 mm. This row is for onion seeds. The right row is intended for peas, table beets, consists of 5 cells d 8.2x5 mm.

To select one or another row, move the shaft horizontally relative to hopper 5. Seeding density can be changed by offset brushes 4 up or down relative to the metering shaft. In the bunker and frame 6 there must be a special hole for this.
Seeds pass through the brush and freely enter the coulter. In order to prevent seeds from getting stuck anywhere, all cells must have a cut oval shape in a section.
Most vegetable crops are recommended to be planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. caps 10 hopper parallel to the ground, the sowing depth is 2.5 cm. By changing the angle of the seeder handle, you can change the sowing depth. The greater the lift of the handle up, the less depth.
Seed hopper
Made of galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm. In dashed lines (see fig.), The workpiece is bent and sealed at the joints.

The position of the hopper is adjusted relative to the seed shaft, after which it is screwed with bolts M5 and screw M6 to the frame. Bolts and screw simultaneously serve as a brush mount.
The hopper cover is cut out of organic glass. Thanks to its transparency, you can observe the level of seeds.Using a furniture hinge, the lid is attached to the front wall of the hopper.

In the frame of the seeder, curved from 2.5 mm sheet steel, two holes were drilled for bearings d 28.05 mm for the shaft serving as an axis wheels 7.

Angularly welded to the front of the frame bracket 9 seeder handles. A stainless steel opener 0.8 mm thick is attached to the bottom of the cross member with two M5 bolts.

How to use?
First, the sowing shaft is adjusted, the desired row of holes is brought to the bottom row of the hopper. After we close and snap the lid. Future beds are marked with a marking rake. We hold the seeder by the handle and extend it with the opener buried in the ground. The wheel should go along the marking side of the groove - then the depth of sowing will be the same.

Have a good harvest!