Where else can you try this delicacy outside the circus or children's park? Now you too can make candy floss right at home!

[media = http: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = bHZUSwoxt_Q]
First we need 2 CDs. From the box from the CD, we cut out 2 washers of this kind:
We do this very simply - circle the template with a marker, then heat the clerical knife on the stove and cut out our circle. The hole is made using a nail also heated on the stove.
We take the disk and glue the washers to it:
It is very important to stick the washers strictly in the center! Otherwise, the device will not work!
You should get such a nozzle:
Now let's move on to the fan. Remove the protective cover from it:
After that we remove the propeller:
Next we need a box. In the front part we cut out a rectangular window, while on the back we make a hole:
We put the box on the fan and tighten the washer:
Then we insert our nozzle and twist:
The device is ready, it remains only to prepare sugar syrup.
In a regular metal mug, add 1 to 1 sugar and water. Then cook, often stirring, until a yellowish color is obtained. Do not digest until brown!
Leu, the resulting syrup, a thin stream in the middle of the disk:
Cotton candy is ready. Bon Appetit!